Hi — I should mention that I'm not trying to sell you a pipe-dream.

"I'm not trying to sell you a pipe-dream."

The thing is, we all know any copywriter worth their title should be able to deliver good copy that bumps up your sales, even if it's a little.


What if I told you I could get you at least 3X that ROI faster and with fewer lines of copy.

Don't believe me?

Candy didn't believe me either, but here's what she had to say at the end of our contract:

What Candy said

And she wasn't alone. Here's what some other business owners had to say.

Curious to see how I make it work?

Tell me a little more about your business and needs in the form below, and we'll schedule a quick 15-minute call.

You can also drop an email – you'll get a response in 24 hours.

Or if you're feeling social, Say Hi to me on Twitter.

@Hameedah Abdullateef 2021. All Rights Reserved by